Registering a Death

Deaths are usually registered by a relative of the deceased. If the person dies at home or at hospital, the death can be registered by:

  • a relative
  • someone present at the death
  • the cause of death is unknown
  • an occupant of the house/official from the hospital
  • the person making the arrangements with the funeral directors

Deaths taking place anywhere else can be registered by:

  • a relative
  • someone present at the death
  • the person who found the body
  • the person in charge of the body
  • the person making the arrangements with the funeral directors

How to register the death

icon of two people sat in a meeting - funeral directors croydon

Step 1:

Arrange an appointment with the Registrar. Find your local registrar.

death certificate icon - funeral services croydon

Step 2:

Take the medical certificate to the appointment.

multiple death certificates icon - undertakers croydon

Step 3:

Tell the Registrar how many copies of the death certificate you will need. It’s advisable to get more than one as different companies may want a certified copy (e.g. insurance companies, credit card companies etc.) Although it can be expensive, additional copies can be provided at a later date if needed.

Download our checklist of people and companies you will need to inform when someone dies.

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Sympathetic and genuinely caring service

Steve Mussell, Addiscombe

Excellent service during Covid-19

Diana, Croydon

Excellent service form AJ Morriss

Patricia Holmes, Croydon